
新加坡放射師認證考試-Qualifying Examination (以下稱QE) for diagnostic radiographer,目前是想來新加坡當放射師很有可能會要面臨的挑戰之一。因為我自己沒有考過,對於QE考試的內容無法做太多分享,不過未來希望可以收集到越來越多大家的分享,進而幫助到接下來想來新加坡的放射師。

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新加坡放射師認證考試-Qualifying Examination (以下稱QE) for diagnostic radiographer,目前是想來新加坡當放射師很有可能會要面臨的挑戰之一。由於我自己沒有考過,對於QE考試的內容無法做太多分享,不過未來希望可以收集到越來越多大家的分享,進而幫助到接下來想來新加坡的放射師。



QE考過之後,在AHPC裡面的註冊狀態會變成Conditional Registration(有條件註冊),在這個狀態下還是要解一些任務,最後才會變成Full Registration(完全註冊)。在要考QE和英文的情況下,許多人就開始卻步了,不過我想說,未來的門檻只會越來越高,如果下定決心了,就趕快咬牙試看看吧!



根據官網所說,QE一年會舉辦三次,由新加坡的學校Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) 新加坡理工大學主辦,考試地點也會在新加坡理工大學。根據AHPC及新加坡理工大學官網提到,一個人最多只能考兩次試,而且從AHPC官網來看,必須在申請AHPC註冊一年內考到,不然要重新遞交申請(再噴一次錢)。考試結果預計會在4-6週內出來。

原文如下:For Diagnostic Radiographer, Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist, the AHPC will put on hold the registration application for up to 1 year from the date of the letter issued, advising the applicants’ eligibility to undertake the QE. If the QE results are not received by the stipulated deadline, the application will be withdrawn and the applicant will need to submit a fresh application for registration and incur the relevant application fees. (



簡單來說就是,3小時考200題多選題。分為三個部分,前兩個部分為Radiation Protection, Radiobiology, Patient Care and Radiation Sciences,最後一個部分為Radiological Anatomy Radiography, Imaging and Instrumentation。

Scope of Examination: Diagnostic Radiograpy

  • 3-hour paper consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions divided into 3 parts. Each question is worth 1 mark. The first and second part cover areas on Radiation Protection, Radiobiology, Patient Care and Radiation Sciences. The third part covers Radiological Anatomy Radiography, Imaging and Instrumentation. Candidates are required to pass all 3 parts to obtain a pass in Diagnostic Radiography Qualifying Examination

To prepare for the examination, candidates can refer to major Diagnostic Radiography texts used by Diagnostic Radiography students worldwide including SIT. These can be found here.


Diagnostic Radiography Qualifying Examination Reading List

• Adler A, Carlton R. (2016) Introduction to Radiologic Sciences and Patient Care. St Louis, Missouri: Saunders

• Burns, B. & Fauber T. (2016). Radiographic imaging and exposure (5th Edition). Mosby • Bushong, S.C. (2016). Radiologic science for technologists: Physics, Biology and protection (11th ed.). Mosby

• Carlton & Adler (2012) Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science (5th Edition) Delmar Cengage Learning

• Ehrlich, R.A. & McCloskey. (2016). Patient care in radiography: with an introduction to medical imaging (9th ed.). Mosby

• Frank Jr Miele (2013) Ultrasound Physics & Instrumentation (5th ed.) Miele Enterprises, Inc

• Johnston J, Fauber T. (2012) Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging. St Louis, Mo: Mosby

• Kathy M.M, 2015. Radiographic Image Analysis (4th Edition), Saunders
• Martin Vosper, Donald Graham (2011) Principles and Applications of Radiological Physics (6th Edition), Churchill Livingstone

• Mary Alice Statkiewicz Sherer (2017) Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography (8th Edition), Mosby

• Statkiewicz-Sherer M, Visconti P, Ritenour E, Haynes K. (2017) Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography. St Louis, Missouri: Mosby

• Weir J , Abrahams(2016) Imaging atlas of human anatomy (5th Edition). Elsevier

• Whitley, Jefferson, Holmes, Sloane, Anderson & Hoadley, 2015. Clark's Positioning in Radiography (13th Edition), CRC Press.




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